Room Details

Part of this room is the headstone of the current city hall, inaugurated in 1897.

• Size: 521qm²
• Length: 27,105 m
• Width:
middle part: 6,694 m
left part: 3,174m-4,901m
right part: 3,187m-4,525m
• Stage: 4,748m deep, 6,697m long
• Height up to the lustres: 2,72m Height up to the
ceiling: 3,863m
• Maximum number of persons: 340 (seated – set
• Maximum number of persons „stand up“ reception:
about 450
• Seating arrangements: different formations possible

Specific characteristics:
• Fireplace at the back of the stage
• Stage with 25qm²
• Modern LED technology
• Bar

The “Bunte Kuh” was a cogbuilt vessel and has probably led the attack against the famous pirat Klaus Störtbeker in 1401.

• Size: 223,82qm²
• Maximum number of persons: 153 (set menu)
• Maximum number of persons for a reception
(standing with some seats provided): 230 Gäste
• Height: 5,65m without lustre
• Height up to the lustre: 3,20m
• Lenght without „Podium“: 9,52m
• Length: 13,55m
• Width: 15,34m
• Seating arrangement: tables for 4, 6, 8
10 or 12 persons

Specific characteristic:
• LED – light technology
• A bar of 12 meters

Minimum charge for the entire Restaurant:
by arrangement

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• Located in the courtyard of the city hall. This courtyard is decorated with a Hygieia fountain. Hygieia as the goddess of health in Greek mythology and its surrounding figures represents the power and pureness of the water. It was built in remembrance of the cholera epidemic in 1892, the former technical purpose was air cooling in the city hall.
• Maximum number of persons: 200 (seated – set menu)
• Extra reception area for about 200 persons